Monday, 8 July 2019

The Clonanav Cup

Hi All the Clonanav Cup was fished on Saturday last a nice balmy evening greeted the anglers from LDAA Temperatures were up the sun came out for a late appearance and the fish were rising although it’s still a debate what they were rising for  😂😂. Chris Haines made it 2 in a row with the largest fish on the night of 12 inches he lost a much bigger fish late on but that a whole other story 😂. Sadly we didn’t have the Cup there to present him with it as last years winner couldn’t make it on the night but don’t worry Chris we will have it over to you soon.

Tight Lines 

The Intel Trophy

Hi All
The Intel Trophy was fished a week late due to the cold conditions and it proved a good call as the weather was far better the next week end what a difference a week makes, a good turn out for a good evenings fishing was had by most. The Trophy was taken home by Cris Haines who had 7 fish for 70 inches Aidan Crean was second and Tony Daly was third Dave Gadd had the largest fish on the night of 13 inches. Well done all who fished. Again we will post some pictures when they come in.

Tight lines 

The Festival Comp

Hi All
A bit late with our updates but better late than never, the festival comp was fished on Friday 31st May on a chilly evening with not much of a rise on the Liffey that didn’t stop the Leixlip Anglers’s from preserving and catching a few trout. Matty had the biggest fish on the night with a trout of 12 inches winning the competition for him Gerry Woods was second with joint third between 4 fishermen. Well done to all who persevered hopefully the weather will improve as the summer rolls on, we will post some pictures when they’re sent in. 

Tight lines 

Thursday, 30 May 2019

The Hawthorn Cup

Hi All
The Hawthorn cup was fished in April a little bit chilly on the day and quite overcast, the weather conditions didn’t put our Leixlip anglers off and all who showed up for the competition caught fish, well done lads. Michael Callaghan was the winner in the end with 6 fish for 53 inches well done Michael, Anton was second with 5 fish for 48 inches and Cris was 3 rd with 2 fish for 17 inches. Well done to all who fished, here’s a couple of pictures below of the day.

Monday, 25 March 2019

Paddies Day Comp 2019

Hi All
the Paddies day comp was fished on Sunday last 24th March delayed due to the aftermath of storm Emma and the rolling flood which kept the river un-fishable for nearly 2 weeks.
We all got out Sunday and were greeted by a lovely sunny morning all be it not a warm one, and the yearly fry up which is always welcome.
The biggest fish fell to Gianluca with a lovely trout of 14.5 inches winning him the Jimmy Carroll trophy for the first time. Well done Luca and all who fished on the day.
Here`s a few pics taken on the day, see you all on the river soon.

Tight Lines

1st March 2019

Hi All
Its finally here the first of March and Im sure you are all chomping at the bit to get a bit of fishing in. A good few of our anglers made it down for the 1st with all the usual suspects present. It was a beautiful day with river conditions almost a summer levels and the sun shining which was in stark contrast to the forecast for the 2nd which saw storm Emma looming on the horizon. Heres a few pictures sent in from our members on the day.
Tight Lines

Trout League 2018

Hi All
The Trout league was won by Gianluca Paolella in 2018 when we finally got some water to fish the remaining outstanding comps. this was Lucas first league win, Im sure you will all join me in congratulating him on the 2018 title which was hard work this year because of the adverse water conditions, Well Done Luca.

Tight Lines